Website Updates HOWTO

How to edit the HamWAN home page

Before starting, ensure your ssh key is authorized to access

Ubuntu based setup

sudo apt install -y git pandoc python2.7 python2-pip-whl python2-setuptools-whl virtualenv r-base r-cran-plotrix libnumber-bytes-human-perl libjson-perl bc rsync

Fedora based setup

sudo dnf install -y git pandoc python2.7 virtualenv python3-pip R-core perl-Number-Bytes-Human perl-JSON perl-XML-Twig rsync
echo 'install.packages("plotrix", repos="")' | sudo R --save
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=8000/tcp
mkdir -p ~/.ssh

Generic build steps

echo -e "Host\n HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa\n PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa\n StrictHostKeyChecking=no" >> ~/.ssh/config
git clone
cd kiss
virtualenv -p `which python2.7` venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

To exit the virtual environment type "deactivate".

Generic git usage

Setup your git global variables.

git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"

Create a branch to hold your proposed changes.

git checkout -b add-new-filename-page

Edit your files and commit your change.

vi src/
git add src/
git status
git commit

Push your changes to the KISS server for review and merging.

git push -u origin add-new-filename-page

Undoubtedly, someone will find fault with your initial changes and send you code review comments. Here's how to fix your commit and push the updated version. The commit --amend command will give you the option to update your previous commit message, but this is optional and the previous message can be let intact by saving without any update.

Just repeat the edit, add, status, commit, and push steps to incrementally update your branch until its finalized.

An email will be sent automatically to netops to review your new branch when you push. Once approved, it'll be merged into the master branch and your branch will be deleted. You can then safely delete your local branch.

git switch master
git branch -d add-new-filename-page

Read more about git here.